
 Who is Bev Hanna?

I like to describe myself as a recovering artist.  I trained as a classical artist in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s – a heady time indeed, and one which unleashed a tsunami of creativity worldwide.  Those of us who remember those times may well feel nostalgic about our youth and enthusiasm – the protest marches, the huge political upheavals, the “back to the land”, “down with the establishment” and “free love” movements.  Some of us even survived!


I was a working portrait artist for many years, becoming one of the very first creatives to be employed in the computer graphics industry in Toronto during the early 1980’s.  When the company grew too fast to sustain itself and went bankrupt, I left the city and returned to my hometown on the shores of southern Georgian Bay, Ontario.  For several years, I exhibited my work, primarily animal portraiture, all over Canada and parts of the U.S. but when my parents began needing care, I moved in with them to help out.  Eventually, my father died and my mother developed progressive dementia, so I took up writing as a way to stay close to her and be constantly “on call” during her slow demise.  In 2015, she also died and I’ve been writing ever since.

My focus has been on becoming the best writer I’m capable of being and several of my short stories have been published.  For the last several years, I’ve been part of a very active seniors’ writing group.  I currently run a highly successful writer’s circle where I teach the craft and techniques of good writing. Several of my students have gone on to publish works of their own.  I also teach writing workshops to writer’s groups and senior centres in Southern Ontario and online using Zoom.

What Is Scribblers Guild And Why Was It Created?

scribblersguild graphicSince most senior writers at some time or other have considered writing their life story, the information will emphasize how to create compelling autobiographies and memoirs, but the principles of good writing apply in this genre as much as they do in writing fiction, non-fiction and even how-to manuals.  As time goes on, I’ll add resources, links and articles designed to help you create the best stories you’re capable of writing.  Periodically, I’ll challenge you, reward you and provide accountability, so that you can keep on writing, even when the going gets tough.

And – it will get tough.  Everyone has heard the term “Writer’s Block”, but until you have experienced it, you can’t know how paralyzing it can be.  You’ll get prompts, exercises, resources and challenges to help get you past the roadblocks and keep you writing.  Even if what you’ve written is garbage, you’ll be able to tell yourself, “I wrote something today,” and that, my friend, is what writing’s all about – bum in chair, fingers on keys (or pen and paper) and words in black and white.  No matter if it’s good or bad, just the process is enough to energize you.  It’s my mission to help you with that.

What Scribblers Guild Can Do For You

Scribblers Guild can provide accountability, a place to ask questions and interact with other senior writers who are on a similar writing journey to yours. It can be a source of inspiration, information and inclination when your muse deserts you and you don’t know where to start or what to do next.

If you’re a senior writer who wants to hang out with other senior writers, please consider joining me.  I’ll send you a free mini-course entitled “4 Procrastination Triggers and How to Spot Them”. It’s a great little series of prompts and reminders to help you recognize when you encounter writer’s block.  The mini-course is yours as soon as you click the subscribe button below.  Download and print it out so you can get started right away.

In addition, once a week I’ll send you information, opinions, resources and helpful tips, and if you decide it’s not for you, you can always unsubscribe at any time.

I can’t wait to begin working with you!

Happy Writing!!

  Bev Signature